Tag Archives: Upholstery Cleaning Service

Upholstery Cleaning Service best service in New York city.

Does Too Much Vacuuming Harm Your Carpets?

Ask yourself, do you use your vacuum cleaner every day? Most carpet cleaning service providers in NYC would advise you to run the vacuum regularly. If you really want to keep your home feeling fresh and clean, you will find ways to make the time for it. Although carpet and upholstery cleaning with vacuum cleaners does keep your home tidy, some people still say that these machines can actually damage your carpet fibers.

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This is mostly because of those rotating beater bars and/or brushes in the machinery that pull, stretch, and eventually wear out the carpet fibers. While this might be true, you need to know that dirt, debris and grime often cause more of a wear-and-tear on your carpets and upholstery than most vacuum cleaners would.

How To Vacuum Properly

It is very much possible to make sure that your carpet and upholstery cleaning does not go overboard. Leading carpet cleaning NYC service companies say that it is very easy to overwork your carpets. Look for settings in your vacuum cleaner if it gives you more options. It will let you customize its speed and intensity for different kinds of surfaces and textures.
Experts say that you shouldn’t vacuum your carpets on a bare floor setting or clean your upholstery on a soft carpet setting. Additionally, always make sure to check out if your vacuum cleaner has height settings. This may affect the amount of wear and tear it causes on the carpet. A setting that is too low may damage your carpet or vacuum cleaner roller brush and/or drive belt. On the other hand, if you keep your vacuum cleaner too high it won’t be able to pick up dirt. The best way to decide upon the height of the vacuum cleaner is to turn it on at the highest setting initially and then gradually lower it until you feel the vacuum/suction tugging at the carpet or other contact surface. Leading carpet cleaning service providers in NYC would always advise you to seek professional help in case you find it difficult dealing with it on your own.

Tips & Practices

i) If you have installed the new carpets at your residence or commercial space then you should always follow the manufacturer’s instructions. 

ii) When it comes to the proper maintenance of huge investment like carpets then you need not wait until the carpets begin to look dingy and dirty. Make vacuuming your alternate day cleaning routine so that carpets accumulate less dirt and dust. 

iii) Keep the vacuuming as soft and gentle as possible as it can lead to wear or tear of carpet fibers. Also, don’t wet the carpets while vacuuming until you own a dry/wet vacuum cleaner with you.

Avoid These Mistakes While Selecting The Right Upholstery Cleaning Service

You are in love with your new sofa set. Your husband comes right after your new curtains and your dog just after your Bulgarian mattress in your list. It is only fair to be overprotective of your things and your upholstery because they are not going to take care of themselves. Somebody has to do it and who better for the job than you, right?

The upholstery items and furniture that you bought with so much love and affection and after considering close to a thousand options stand to get dirty. You are even willing to pay high prices for the leading professional upholstery cleaning services in NYC but doubt that you will only find out later that they were not worth it.

Ask yourself, does everyone in NYC get their upholstery cleaning right on the spot every time? Aren’t their moments when they think that this could have been better or that could have cost them much less than what they paid for it? There are many families like yours in New York who are more than willing to pay much more than their budget allows just to be certain that they didn’t make any mistake in choosing the right upholstery cleaning services. The following are some of the most common mistakes that we all tend to make while choosing the right upholstery cleaning services in NYC:

  1.      Ignoring Following Manufacturer’s Guidelines

Are you too one of those people who make the mistake of downright ignoring the manufacturer’s guidelines? There are a few things that are clearly mentioned by the manufacturer specifically for cleaning a particular brand of sofas or curtains. By using your own cleaning methods you may be wasting your time and effort and may even be reducing the life of your precious upholstery.

  1.      Using The Wrong Cleaning Products

This is another very common mistake which most of us on the hunt for the perfect professional upholstery cleaning services in NYC end up making. We often tend to use wrong products for cleaning and just buy the ones that seem the most attractive and flashy with their labels and ingredients. We have to be sure about which products to use. For instance, you might have a fabric in your home that is not meant to be washed with chemical-based solutions. Yet if you continue to do that often or every time it needs a cleaning, you will end up ruining the look and feel of it and eventually damage it for good. This is why organic upholstery cleaning aids are available in the market.

  1.      Not Performing A Patch Test

Don’t you think that it is the best idea to do a patch test before you set off cleaning the entire thing? What if the fabric reacts differently than you expected? What if the color of the cloth fades? What if the texture becomes rough? Trying a little bit of upholstery cleaning solution on a small patch of cloth will let you prevent a bigger disaster. You can also gauge the effectiveness and strength of the product this way.

  1.      Not Hiring A Professional Cleaner

No brainer actually. If you think you can do the cleaning part all by yourself without the help of experts just like many people in NYC, you are under the wrong impression about your own abilities. Remember, a professional can easily get those stains, spots, allergens and odor out of your upholstery. The task will be done quickly and you won’t even know when they are out of your hair.